Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Practical Bullet Journal for 2018

I am in awe over all the fancy bullet journals and fancy layouts I see on Instagram and Pinterest.  They look so beautiful I can hardly believe that is someone's day to day notes.  Some of the people take such care to draw, illustrate and paint to add  character to their journals.    My bullet journal looks like a scribble mess each week.  

This year I am trying to make an effort to add color and a bit of style to my journal.  But to be honest my journal is my day to day list of things to do, that will always be a hot mess I am afraid. 

 In the front of my journal I added a new section to create lists of things I LOVE this year.  It can be anything: memories, books, songs, foods, ideas, anything that I felt really was something special to me.  
 I also put my goals and project list for the year in the front of my journal so each month when I am mapping out what I want to accomplish I can use these pages as a reference.  
 I made a list of house projects separate from my other goals because these things take more time, money and planning to accomplish.  I am created a Monthly Challenge Page.  I am hoping to come up with a challenge each month to help me work towards creating a healthy and simpler lifestyle.  

 I have two Save The Date pages.  One in the front for 2018 and one in the back for 2019.  This is a great way to organize long range plans. This is new this year as well as so far I love the it.  I am constantly adding things and checking each month.   
 Once again I created a visual book shelf for myself for the year to keep track of how many books I read.  I think this is just a fun way of recording the titles I read. I am challenging my self to read 100 books this year.  Last year I was just shy of 100, I read 91 books.   
 I am participating in the Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Challenge this year so I have printed out the sheet and wrote down the titles I want to read for the challenge.  Then I started my January Dates,  each month I write out a quick monthly view of appointments, birthdays and other events.  
 Each month I try to write out monthly goals that will help me accomplish my yearly goals.  I am not very good at accomplishing these goals but this is a new year and maybe I'll do better.  This year I am keeping track of my health goals as well.  So I can visually see where I am doing well and what I need to improve each month.  
 Then I have my blogging pages....blogging has been a challenge for me the last half of 2017 and now into 2018.  I have ideas, just not the time to do them or the time to type up the projects.  
 This is what my To Be Read list/checklist looks like.  My goal is to read 9-10 books a month.  My checklist helps me record if I took a picture, posted on Instagram, completed a write up for the blog and Goodreads and copied everything over to my reading journal.  
I added a monthly budget page this year.  This is a goal of mine to get my spending under control.  Wish me luck with that!
Finally my weekly layout, which you can see is a mess.   It is more of a checklist of what needs to get down.  I don't have time for artwork so I use stickers to add color and fun to my journal. I have my menu listed on the left side each day and then a list of to-dos.   

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