Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Balancing My School Work

I love teaching kindergarten.  I love teaching the children how to read and write.  I love getting the children excited about learning new things.  But I hate doing all the paperwork, emails, websites, filing, cutting art projects, lesson plans...it can take up to four extra hours a day.  Most weeks I wait until Saturday and Sunday and then I try to do it all on the weekend and then I am stressed out.  And if my kids come home from college and I don't have time to do my work I am up all night and grumpy Monday morning.  

So, I came up with a list of what I need to do weekly:  lesson plan, website update for parents, file student papers, word family activity, organize art projects, student picture books, and update teaching website.

Daily Routine:

Sunday:  Update Parent Website

Monday:  Update Teaching Website

Tuesday:  Organize Art Projects

Wednesday:  Work on Picture Books

Thursday:  Organize Word Families

Friday:  File Papers

Saturday:  Organize Lesson Plans

Hopefully by spreading the work out throughout the week I will be less stressed out and have more time to enjoy other things.


1 comment:

Liz Mccaw said...

I love this! When I was a stay at home mom and was responsible for most of the chores I divided them up the same way! This plan will free you up so much, you will never look back. Liz Mccaw @