Sunday, February 10, 2013

40 Bags in 40 Days for 2013

Once again this year I am going to go through my house and classroom and collect 40 bags of things to donate to others.  This task will be a bit harder this year because this is the second year I am doing this.  Last year I felt I did purge a lot of things from my house.  I will have to work a bit harder to find things to fill the bags.  However I will start in the basement junk area and work shelf by shelf each day.  I know I will find things down there that I can part with.

I will stick with the advice I read in several books this past year.
If you are interested in doing 40 bags in 40 days it is simple to do. Sit down and create a list of 40 spaces you will clean out clutter from.  I did that tonight.  Here is my list for 2013.
It will not always be easy to do and sometimes your family members do not want to help you de-clutter or make trips to the Goodwill.  However it is a good feeling knowing the things that are not being used in your house will find a new home somewhere else.  