Sunday, February 28, 2016

29 Gifts Book Review

This month I read Cami Walker's book, 29 Gifts.  Cami is the founder of the movement, where people can take a 29 day challenge to give a gift daily to others.  

Cami writes about her struggles with MS and how focusing on giving to others helped her deal with her own struggles.  She challenges others to give for 29 days and see how it changes their lives. 

What are the Giving Rules:

1.  Set a date to begin your Giving Challenge
2.  Give with intention
3.  Consider beginning your day with some meditation/prayer/thought  How will you give today....
*with love
*with gratitude
*with patience
*with joy
*with abundance
*with time
4.  Your gifts can be spare change, cans of soup, your time, kind words or thoughts
5.  You must do the challenge at least once a day for 29 consecutive days
6.  Give your gifts with an open heart
I decided I am going to do the 29 Gifts Challenge in March. 
I would give this book


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