Monday, February 29, 2016

Gift 1 -- Letters of Appreciation

Gift 1 – A Personal Thank You with a Surprise

I have been so blessed this year with lots of wonderful people around me who support me and help me when I need someone.  I had three wonderful moms in my classroom who wanted to bring me lunch on my birthday.  However with a my food issues they decided to do something else instead….all my recess duties in February!   Really!!!!!  I had ten outdoor duties and they did each and everyone of them.  All ten cold and windy February Wisconsin outdoor recess duties. 

Today for my gift I decided I wanted to thank each one of them personally with a note and a gift card to Starbucks for a warm drink.  I wanted them to know how much it meant to me that they took time out of their day to give me such a wonderful present. 

I also wrote a note with a card to another teacher who always organizes everything for me when I call in sick. 

And to one of my wonderful sons who went out of his way today to bring me something I forgot to bring to school. 

I know a simple verbal thank you was all they expected however I wanted to do something nice for them as well. 

It is so important to let the people you depend on the most know you are thankful and grateful for all the little things they do for you.   

This project was inspired by Cami Walker's book 29 Gifts.   

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